Lost Highway (dir. David Lynch, 1997)

Fred Madison (Bill Pullman) is a jazz saxophone player who suspects his wife, Renee (Patricia Arquette) is cheating on him. After receiving a strange message on his intercom, he has a nightmare and then video tapes start to appear at his doorstep. Concerned by what the tapes show, they call the police. That night they go to a party, where Fred meets a Mystery Man (Robert Blake). After the bizarre encounter, things start getting even more twisted.

My Review:
I enjoyed this movie a lot. It has all those Lynch elements that make it fun: the dark atmosphere, the cool soundtrack, the odd characters, the puzzles and the unsolved mystery of what the hell is going on. And the best part is having Trent Reznor doing the video sequences score!

I've read some interpretations of the movie to get hints of what could have been happening. One of them is kind of like Mullholland, Dr. where this movie seems to happen in two different scenarios, one is reality and one is fantasy. Fred escapes from reality when he is in his jail cell by becoming Pete, but his new fantasy life goes wrong when he encounters the spitting image of his beautiful wife who also seems to have a shady past (the thing that doesn't fit is why would Pete be in the cell instead of starting fresh somewhere else, with the cops watching his every move). Another has a supernatural take, which has to do with body swapping, striking a deal with the devil, alternate reality and time traveling. No matter which interpretation is more accurate, I've just GOT to watch Twin Peaks!

Whatever the actual meaning could be (if there is one, since I think the director's intention is to keep people guessing and making theories) , I think the obscure ambiance, the confusing symbolism and the haunting soundtrack make it highly recommendable for all "neo noir" fans.